Showing 5 result(s)
Goldfinch on Pomegranates by Nicky Perryman Textile Artist

Goldfinch on Pomegranates

Inspiration for the art work Yes I must admit I have a bit of an obsession with both goldfinches and pomegranates! I love goldfinches because they are such gorgeous little birds, with the flashes of lemon yellow on their wing bars and their multicoloured heads. And I think they go well together with the lush …

Sparrow on Red Hot Poker by Nicky Perryman Textile Artist

Humble Sparrow

I love sparrows, the sound of them chirping in garrulous clouds in bushes and thickets and under house eves. I decided I wanted to make something based on the sparrows that used to come into the garden we had when I was a child and hang on the red hot poker bush, picking at the …

Sunlit July

The weather has been so warm and sunny recently (hip hip hooray!) that I’ve been feeling the need to use lots more yellow in my textile experiments – to be truthful the urge to use yellow started last year when we went to Andalucia and were submerged into a wonderful world of sunbaked olive groves, …

Lush – The Life of a Peacock

Here’s an update of my peacock embroidery. It is proving one of those embroideries that never seems to be quite ‘right’ somehow. It started out life as a very tight drawing of a peacock which I painted in inks on silk habutai, having done that it looked dull and contrived so I spread a load …

Passion for Poppies

My love of poppies was rekindled yet again (!) by the late appearance of clumps of sumptuous oriental ones in my mother’s garden. They were surrounded by Michaelmas daisies and the glowing red and purple hues made for a heady colour combination in an otherwise drab October garden. How delicious! This started out as a …