Showing 3 result(s)
Peacock on a Hilltop embroidery textile art by Nicky Perryman Textile and Mosaic Artist

Peacock on a Hilltop

  ‘Peacock on a Hilltop’ is a small silk painting embroidered by machine using free machine embroidery and by hand too. I’ve used some rayon and stranded cotton threads for the hand stitching (feather stitch and fly stitch. I’ve added lots and lots of sequins to build up the layers of textures especially on the …

Textile Experiments

[wpg] I’ve recently become interested in doing something different with fabric painting – so trying a few textile experiments. I want to get away from the old school style of silk painting – which consists of a gutta resist outline, usually in gold, with the shapes painted in and maybe a bit of salt sprinkled …

Umbel Flower Embroidery

Green Umbels update

[wpg] This one has been hanging around for a while after I finished the chain stitching on it and decided that it needs stretching badly before I can continue with it. Having nowhere to stretch things doesn’t help as the corkboard I used to stretch embroideries on is in my brother’s partner’s dad’s garage collecting …