Just a Bit Further

I’m doing  a bit on my quilt each night while watching films – well half watching them. Once I get going I get a bit intense and keep thinking I’ll just do a bit more and a bit more and before I know it, it’s the early hours. I have been watching Mongol a lot recently – I love the costumes; I want one of those big furry hats! And trying to catch glimpses of the interior of their gers.  My obsession with yurts and yurt interiors has arisen again, I adore the idea of living in the round. And the textiles are just glorious.  I love the felt, the decorative woven bandings, painted doors and beds and piles of brightly coloured bedding. I love the low to the ground furniture and painted chests. It all looks so cool, relaxed and earthy; just my thing. It’s interesting how the pictures of central asian gers or yurts look way cooler than the western ones. It has something to do with the number of possessions in them I think – the central asians have a lot fewer. And there is something more rough and ready about them – more real somehow. The western ones can sometimes look a bit “safe” with anglepoise lamps and sofas.  Transferring the contents of  the average semi’s lounge into a yurt doesn’t quite work for me. So here’s the progress on the quilt so far. How good is it going to look when it’s on a nice big double bed in my own yurt (when I get it) which will  be decorated something like the pic below?! Maybe a trip to cenral asia is in order to get some real inspiration?! Well that’s my excuse anyway! yurt interior

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Nicky Perryman

Hey, I'm a textile artist based in the UK. I like playing around with fabric paint, stitching both hand and machine embroidery and I have far too many sequins. I'm inspired by nature, its mysteries, subtleties, delights and complexities. The outer natural world has its counterpart in the inner spiritual world and I am also inspired by folklore, poetry, fairytales, stories of long ago when the spirits of nature seemed less shy than they do today, as well as my own shamanic journeys into the dreamland.


  1. Delilah Hall says:

    Hello – I have treated myself to £100 worth of KF fabric, intoxicated by your hexagon on-going quilt… have you finished it or at least progressed further? I have a hexagon ‘flower’ quilt on the go and am also in the midst of a Cathedral Windows patchwork hanging using velvets (nightmare!) so my KF fabric is sitting on the table looking at me and waiting for me to finish the other quilts! If only there was nothing else in life other than sewing, I would have finished all 3 and be on other projects by now. Do you reuse your paper templates? I do, until they are nearly falling apart and have more holes than paper!!!

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      Hi Delilah yes I do reuse my templates until they are rather worn and need replacing! Yes KF fabric is rather lush isn’t it?! I could go mad in quilting shops but I have to restrain myself! Patchwork with velvet does sound pretty tricky – must slip all over the place?! No I still haven’t finished my quilt yet! I must get going on it again! I’ve got some other non KF fabrics to go in it to add variety. Thanks for getting in touch!

  2. On your bee—utiful hexi quilt in those lovely colors, can you please tell me how you sew the hexies together. It seems like everytime I try, I run into “Y” seams which I hate. Got a new way? please reply. Thanks. Love the colors.

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      Hi Joyce, I hold the hexies with right sides together and oversew the seams with tiny stitches. I think the key is to make sure they are completely flat together when sewing them and that the edges match. When they are pressed open they should be flat. Hope that helps. Thanks for your lovely comment. Nicky xx

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