
I used my laptop screen as a lightbox and traced the images of some leaves of cow parsley or a similar plant from some photos I’d taken in the summer. I couldn’t find the silk I’d originally wanted to use – probably stuffed inside a bag somewhere? But where? So I used this hand-painted silk to cut out a couple of leaves. Now that I put them on the tweed though, they look too yellowish and autumnal so I probably won’t use them for the Green Umbels as I want it to look summery. So it’s back to the drawing board, or rather back to the silk scrap bag to find something better. Or perhaps tweed would work well? Anyway, as it is they don’t look right. I do love space-dyed silk for leaves in general though, it’s just perfect. As I was hunting through my fabric bag, I started getting lots of ideas I could use things for. I still have too much stuff, even now, in this tiny caravan space. It’s not good!

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Nicky Perryman

Hey, I'm a textile artist based in the UK. I like playing around with fabric paint, stitching both hand and machine embroidery and I have far too many sequins. I'm inspired by nature, its mysteries, subtleties, delights and complexities. The outer natural world has its counterpart in the inner spiritual world and I am also inspired by folklore, poetry, fairytales, stories of long ago when the spirits of nature seemed less shy than they do today, as well as my own shamanic journeys into the dreamland.

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